Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Global Civil Society ... how we started ....

Looking back from December 2020, I can clearly say that 2020 has been the weirdest year in my life. 

Obviously Covid 19 has affected all of us in different ways. Some experienced terribly sad things .... for some, who are lucky enough not loosing any loved ones to the pandemic, we learn a lot about ourselves... Although physically we are locked down mostly and/or limited access to our family and friends in a physical sense, we realized that we can continue to produce, learn and share with the help of digital platforms. 

As a part of this learning process, in the last two months, we discussed (and we are still discussing) about the social and civil developments all around the world. Of course, we could keep our interactions, discussions, learnings, ideas and experiences in our small group. Yet, as a result of group discussion process, we thought, first, it could be good to dig a little bit deeper to learn about the civil movements. Second, we can also share our findings with others who are willing to learn. So, why not :) 

This blog is prepared by the students of a class in which we discuss the concept and developments of global civil society. 

Hence, you, our fellow reader, will find recent developments, organizations, movements, demands and needs of actors who are active in global civil initiatives. 

Hopefully, it will be a useful contribution to the history of civil society ....

   In 2015, citizens gathered on London’s Millennium Bridge and other famous landmarks around the world to call on world leaders to adopt the Sustainable Development Goals.

Global Civil Society ... how we started ....

Looking back from December 2020, I can clearly say that 2020 has been the weirdest year in my life.  Obviously Covid 19 has affected all of ...